Sunday, November 2, 2008

Thoughts about Library 2.0

I read all five articles that were suggested for this exercise;
* Away from Icebergs
* Into a new world of librarianship
* To more powerful ways to cooperate
* To better bibliographic services
* To a temporary place in time.

I found all five interesting and each gives perspectives for the future about making CML better and improving services we offer. For example if we look at the Away from the Icebergs article in the past and somewhat in the present state we are doing some of the not to do examples. So it is interesting to think about printing on demand, could it work? Where is that technology currently in development?

User education, I've seen recent post that I know we have started to do more with customer education and I know our OD department is doing a lot with staff (user) education so I think this is on the right track. The part that needs to be included here is people taking into account the user being responsible for their involvement. I think the numbers we have for staff involvement in Learn & Play is outstanding but if I would like more staff to be involved especially staff that need to learn these skills.

Into a new world of librarianship, gave me perspective that we still need to do the planning that is important but if we are stuck in a planning cycle are plans can be outdated before they are implemented. I especially appreciate that this article pointed out that technology should not be used for a coolness factor only. I would take this a step farther and say that what you are doing or what problem you are solving should be addressed before what tool you are going to use. The problem with this statement is sometimes a disconnect with the understanding of what the tools will do and what is being requested for the tools to do.

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