Saturday, November 8, 2008

Google Docs

I love using Google Docs. I think this is a great benefit for customers. I think part of the reason I like using Google Doc's is it is one more way I can avoid using MS Office. Although it is not a web tool, I'll still mention it here I use Open Office at home for my Mac, see the avoid MS trend. Okay, we do have the dual-boot option to enable some games for the husband but back to Google talk. I mean talk about Google but I use GoogleTalk too and find it very useful at work.

I think Google Docs ability to convert into PDF's is great. Why do you want to convert into PDF's? If you have a word processing type document and you send it someone they can make many changes. However, by turning it into a PDF then sending it you have the original intact and changes will be prevented. Anything that you don't want changed by someone you might want to consider this.

In a budget conscious economy I think Google Doc's is a great tool. I will admit there are features of Office 2007 that I do like such as like Smart Art that I didn't find in Google Doc's but maybe all in good time.

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