Saturday, November 8, 2008

CML Wiki

I just added my blog to the CML wiki. I also added my favorite restaurant and web tool. I found some good suggestions for other restaurants on the CML wiki site. Maybe I will need to visit this for lunch suggetions.

I've used PBwiki, Mediawiki, and dokuwiki for different types of wikis. I find think all three similar to use but different based on the formatting differences.

The main difference I find between the ones I've used has been the structure of the wiki. This was not the wiki engine setup but the setup of the wiki administration in how it was designed. This has made a world of difference in what wikis I prefer and how I can find information in each of the wiki.

Of course the good part of a wiki is there is a search function and I can always use it if I can not follow the structure that was logical to someone else.

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