Saturday, August 30, 2008

Flickr Mashup

When I looking for mashups the most interesting ones to me that I found were,, and Okay, on the last two are a little off the Flickr topic this week but they still are mashups.

So, what are theses mashups. The first one shows what was recently loaded to Flickr. If you are bored and need to waste a little time...

The second one for us librarian types,, shows what books have been banned mashed with a map. I would love to have this with the book cover image instead of the dot but it works.

The last one show you I'm thinking of changing cell services,, shows you where the cell towers are with a map.

I've used mash-ups before for crime data but I don't have that one handy at the moment but they are very good for information like that and most of the local news sites carry them.

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